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5 Ways to Welcome, Not Scare Visitors

5 Ways to Welcome, Not Scare Visitors

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Sometimes visiting a new church feels like an act of bravery. Who do I talk to? Where do I sit? Where do the kids go and can someone please direct me to the bathroom? Sometimes all those questions can lead to a visitor never even getting out of their car. (I know, I've done it!) 

So, how do you make your visitors feel welcomed and not overwhelmed? 

  1. Have clear signage or volunteers to help direct us! (Hint: this is especially helpful for parking and bathroom situations)
  2. Bulletins are so important. Keep your bulletin informative and as a guide to what is about to happen during service.
  3. Don't call us out or ask us to stand up. This should be pretty obvious, but sometimes what was a well-meaning shout-out can feel like a lot of strangers staring at you. 
  4. Give us a pass on the offering plate as a visitor. There will be plenty of time for that later, just let us know it is about to happen and that we should let it pass on by... 
  5. Follow up with us--on our terms. Use those pew cards to your advantage and get in touch with us via email, text or a quick call! 

These 5 tips may not guarantee your visitors make a return visit, but they definitely won't hurt! We want to help you bring people to Jesus and sometimes that starts at the front door of your church...Or, maybe just being able to find a parking spot! :)