A Six-Week Bible Study By Rachael Groll


In this six-week study from the Book of John, Rachael Groll takes you on an in-depth exploration into the lives of six women Jesus knew. Women often deal with feelings of insecurity and unworthiness, yet the lives of these women show that Jesus values us, wants a relationship with us, and can use us to further His kingdom. In her warm, conversational style, Rachael ties together her life experience, knowledge of the Scriptures, and her compassion for women to encourage us and enable us to become the women God has called us to be.


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6 Week Study

  • Mary, Mother of Jesus, A Woman of Authority
  • Samaritan Woman at the Well, A Woman of Testimony
  • Woman, A Woman of Forgiveness
  • Martha, A Woman of Assertiveness
  • Mary of Bethany, A Woman of Discipleship
  • Mary Magdalene, A Woman of Response

Personal Experience

In She Hears, Rachael Groll relates to her readers by providing many personal experiences she's had. Rachael shares this with her readers to show what she was able to overcome with God's help and that He can do the same for you.

Jesus Wants Women to Know

  • Women are important to Jesus, and He has a purpose for their lives.
  • Jesus spoke to women — crossing cultural barriers to do so — and He still speaks to us today.
  • Women are chosen and called by God, and He puts us where we need to be to fulfill His plan.

Interactive Prompts

Throughout She Hears, readers will find thought-provoking questions. Readers are provided space to write down their responses right in the book! Not only is this convenient, but it's also a useful way to document your thoughts and feelings at that time.


Rachael Groll is a missionary with Children of the Nations where she resources and equips global leaders to advance the kingdom with the hope of the gospel. As an ordained pastor, she has a love for the Scriptures and helping women connect with them in a fresh, relevant way. Author, speaker, wife, and mother are some of her other roles. Connect with her at



I had the privilege of being part of the launch team for this in-depth, heart-capturing study by Rachael Groll. It is a six-week, five days a week, study on 6 women in the Bible. Rachael is a thoughtful and knowledgeable leader, teaching you to dig into God’s Word and deeply understand each passage. Using the color method, you search for keywords and also highlight anything the Holy Spirit is speaking to you personally. I was surprised and delighted to see something new in these familiar passages. I admire and am grateful for Rachael’s vulnerability in the telling of her own stories.

Anna Beardgreeno

Read Anna's full review of She Hears here.


Rachael, I am so thankful you have written this study! It is fresh. Impacting. Compelling. It draws me in, whispers to me gently, then sends me on my way, changed. I can't wait to dig into the next day's teaching. "She Hears" offers such a perfect balance of encouragement and challenge, understanding and grace, and soaks deep into the heart—when you're not looking!

Jackie Perseghetti, author, teacher, speaker

Find more from Jackie Perseghetti here.


Rachael Groll has done it again! If you’ve read her book, “GO,” then brace yourself for another powerful work.

“She Hears” is a biblically rich invitation to see Jesus through the eyes of the women whose lives He changed. Stories that we may have glossed over before will come alive with freshness like never before. Throughout this Bible study, Rachael helps us dig deeper into each woman’s faith journey and, with unflinching honesty, shares some of her own. She compels us to bare ourselves fully before Jesus. And in doing so, we find ourselves healed, restored, and ready to respond to He who calls us by name and who loves us beyond measure.

Ivonne Norman


JESUS speaks to women. Such an important conversation for us to have in the world we live in. Jesus always meets people where they are at.



I have been LOVING this study. Sometimes it’s hard to fit it in, so I’ll often do 2-3 days in one sitting. But I am always so glad I sat down to read and reflect on God’s Word and Rachel’s lovely explanation of it.



I'm a few days behind but I think it's because, some days, there is so much to take in and process. So many beautiful truths to dwell on that I just don't want to run past.
