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Hope in the Lord

Hope in the Lord

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Hope. Several years ago, while experiencing a difficult time in my life, I latched onto that as my focus word. And I’ve never let go. I need only lift my eyes from the computer screen to see “hope” defining multiple messages posted on my office desk. HAVE HOPE blazes in neon letters on a square of black card stock. And a short list of several Bible verses shared by a friend defines hope in, for example, Psalm 56:3 (NIV®)—When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.


The word “hope” embodies optimism and trust that, no matter the challenges, things will get better. Many of you, like me, probably struggled with believing that during 2020. COVID-19 has stretched and tried and tested us. We’ve lost loved ones to the virus or battled it ourselves. We’ve endured separation from family and friends. Many lost jobs and are suffering financially. The list of losses is lengthy.


Yet, hope never vanished in the midst of hopelessness. We’ve always held hope for a vaccine. Praise be to God for dedicated scientists and researchers, we now have that promised vaccine. What a blessing.


And what a blessing to feel the love of our heavenly Father who, even in our lowest doubting moments,

remains with us, listening to and uplifting us. I’ve never prayed more than I have during the past 10 months. Shortly into the pandemic, I pulled a whiteboard from the closet to create an ever-changing prayer list. Prayers for specific people, for our nation, for our healthcare workers, for nursing home residents, and many others define my talks with God. The knowledge that God never tires of hearing from me feels reassuring. In the midst of so much uncertainty, He remains constant in His love, care, and compassion.


The prophet Jeremiah writes in Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV®) of the hope he finds in the Lord. Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Simply reading those words shines hope into my heart, especially during dark days.


Countless times throughout 2020, I’ve found myself drawn to my favorite scripture, Romans 8:28 (NIV®). And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I find myself reflecting on this with a focus on how something good comes of challenges. Perhaps the good in 2020 is a renewed appreciation for one another, for nature, for the simple things in life. Perhaps the good comes in a strengthened faith, including a stronger prayer life. Perhaps the good reveals itself in increased kindness, generosity, and compassion.


Whatever you personally experienced during 2020, I pray that hope centered your days and will continue to do so in the new year. God gave us hope in Jesus, the hope of heaven. And there is no greater hope than the promise of eternal life.

As we move into 2021, we are taking a pause from blogging here at Warner Christian Resources. It has been my joy and honor to lead this ministry with an incredibly talented team. To writers Rachael Groll, Ron McClung, and Gretchen O’Donnell, thank you for sharing your faith in your many well-crafted blog posts. You are gifted, faith-based storytellers. To Julie Campbell, thank you for blessing us with your ideas, editing,  proofing skills, and ongoing encouragement. Justin Heck, thank you for finding just the right art to illustrate our posts and for your tech talent in getting everything online. Regina Jackson, I appreciate your patience with my product-related questions. Eric King, thank you for embracing the blogging ministry. And, finally, to you, our readers, thank you for reading our work and for allowing our blogging team to uplift and encourage you in your faith journeys as you live in hope.

Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Audrey Kletscher Helbling, mother of three adult children and grandmother of two, writes from southeastern Minnesota, where she lives with Randy, her husband of 38 years. A former journalist, Audrey continues to follow her passions for writing and photography via her Minnesota Prairie Roots blog. You can find her work at https://mnprairieroots.com

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